Friday, April 16, 2010

Our Paperwork should be picked up TOMORROW and be hand delivered in Ukraine this weekend!

We are overjoyed and overflowing with  gratefulness over God's abundant mercy and grace!  This week we have experienced a breakthrough due to God's sovereign and divine intervention. We know that many have been praying and it is as a sweet fragrant aroma unto Him and certainly brought forth a move of His Spirit in ways beyond men could accomplish!   We finally heard back from the INS officer that our paperwork has been approved.  Friends of ours, the Trump family, had gotten permission to pick up their paperwork today.  Jay had emailed the INS worker repeatedly and additionally, when Cheryl picked up the paperwork for her family today, she inquired and asked if we could pick up ours today or tomorrow also.   Both of our families have clearly been given divine favor since last night our adoption facilitator says that NEVER happens-picking up the approval paperwork in person- perhaps with one or two emergency exceptions.   Well, Jay needed to leave for a meeting over an hour North and the appointment notice from the INS worker arrived just as Jay was walking out the door (as the administrative assistant ran after him with the appointment notice in hand as it had been faxed just in the second it was needed)!  It is a really big deal that this is all happening right now because on Saturday someone is traveling to Ukraine to adopt and our paperwork will be hand delivered to the Ukrainian adoption facilitator! 

The next step is that once our paperwork gets submitted, we should be traveling in about 5  weeks or so, and we will need to spend a total of 4 weeks in Ukraine until we can come home with Elena.
Thank you again for all of your prayers and support!  The prayers of a righteous man avails much! To God be the glory for His provision and blessings upon us and our friends!  Speaking of His provisions, He has encouraged us mightily and not only matched our grant but provided bunk beds as well!   If it is still on your heart to give, it is still very much welcomed and would help a lot.  There are additional expenses we have incurred and will incur (including some hidden expenses necessary for travel) but some that are not so hidden (the $1,500 remaining of the placement fee due to the hosting agency for one).  Most of all, we are just in awe of what the Lord has done and is doing in our midst!   Thank you all for being His hands and feet, the living expression of our Lord!
This journey is a step by step process.  The next step which requires prayer is that our paperwork would get submitted this coming Wednesday in Ukraine (they only submit once a week, so if they can't squeeze us in this coming Wed., we'll have to wait another week.)  My prayer has been if it is God's will that we could be at Elena's orphanage before or on her birthday, June 3rd (she turns 11)! 

Thanks to those who expressed concern over the Russian adoption situation.  Please keep praying for Russia and the families far along in the adoption process currently.   There are many precious people this could impact so let's pray for this to calm down quickly.  Praise God, it doesn't seem to be effecting the country of Ukraine (or other countries)!
We spoke with Elena this morning very early but she couldn't talk much since they were having lessons later than usual.  Also, we sense she is struggling more the English language and probably lost quite a bit since she has been back in Ukraine.  
Thank you Lord, thank you friends and thank you all!   Blessed be His glorious and mighty Name!  


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